Challenge the impossible

Display updated data in real-time

  • Most commonly-faced problems

    • How to improve data access efficiency.
    • How to support multiple sources to read / write the same data source without causing access violation.
    • How to support dynamic data updates without impacting GUI (Graphical User Interface) performance.

  • Our solution

    • InfinivolveTM supports two types of data - dynamically updatable survey data and static GIS data. They are treated differently by the map rendering engine to achieve the best efficiency. For example, the static GIS data is optimized for read access and memory allocation efficiency while dynamically updatable survey is enhanced for read and write accesses by multiple sources and fast memory release.
    • The updatable data is thread-safe for insert, deletion and modification operations. The data is protected by extensive locking mechanism for best protection against access violation.
    • InfinivolveTM detects the survey data updates and schedule the map rendering to display the latest survey data. All the rendering operations are put into a pipeline for automatic optimization executed in the rendering engine.
    • Survey data updates works in parallel with user interface operations such as map navigation, issuing commands, etc., without slowing download user interface’s responsiveness. This architecture effectively solves the GUI problem of freezing or slow motion that affects most of the map engines.

[US Map]
[City Map]