Challenge the impossible

Strength of Our Map Engine

Independence of constant data supply through Internet access

Often working in remote and scarcely populated area, geophysical survey professionals face the constant challenge of communications. It puts most of the existing map engines into a disadvantageous position. Depending on continuous data supply, these map engines have to download GIS data on demand. Google Earth, for example, is an online map display which requires live Internet connection to download the map data constantly. If Internet connection fails, which is likely to occur in remote sites, Google Earth cannot function properly.

The primary advantage of InfiniQuest’s map engine is its offline GIS map display which has its own independent local data source. Offering survey staff a stable and reliable flow of map data, this critical feature makes InfiniQuest’s map engine a powerful choice for Geophysical survey professionals.

Dynamic data set on a large scale

Another hurdle facing geophysical survey displays is that the survey data can be large and dynamic. In today’s market, some of the existing GIS maps are able to display offline content but in a relatively small area. For example, roads, water bodies, interesting points of an area of 2x2 square miles. However, the size of geophysical surveys is increasing rapidly. It demands displays to cover much larger areas with more details.

For example, a seismic data acquisition system for a geophysical survey can have up to 100,000 sensors, each of which can transmit status updates at any time. Furthermore, all the updates need to be presented on the map in real time. Currently, no existing GIS map engine and / or application can handle both offline GIS map display along with dynamic data set on such a large scale. The InfiniQuest’s map engine displays static GIS data on the scale of national level, along with dynamic data set up to 100,000 points changing on a millisecond basis.

[US Map]
[City Map]